Terms and conditions
General Terms and conditions of Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Zagreb regulates the basics of compulsory, contractual and non-contractual relationships between the Bank, as a credit institution and its customers - consumers, which it provides for permanent or occasional banking and other financial services.
The General Terms of Business contain basic information on the terms of providing banking and/or financial services and are available to consumers in the business premises of the Bank providing services to consumers and on the Bank's web site.
The Customer - the consumer may, upon request and without compensation, obtain a copy of the General Terms and Conditions relating to the specific contractual relationship with the Bank. At its request and without charge, the Bank shall make available a copy of the General Terms of Business (in force and pre-valid for five years) within a time limit of 15 days from the date of such request.
Opći uvjeti poslovanja za revolving kredit putem kreditnih kartica PBZ Carda_24.5.2019.
Objašnjenje Općih uvjeta posl. za revolving kredit putem kreditnih kartica PBZ Carda_24.5.2019.
Dodatno objašnj. Općih uvjeta posl. revolving kredit uz kred. kartice PBZ Carda_važeći od 1.1.2023.
Opći uvjeti poslovanja za revolving kredit putem MC i Visa kreditne kartice_od 1.12.2018.