We offer a vast range of financing programmes.
For more information, please see below or see PBZ Sinergo desk, contact you client relationship manager, call our toll-free info number 0800 PBZ COM (0800 729 266) or contact us at our email address:
Short-term Loans
Please see our offer of short-term loans (allowed overdraft on HRK business account and multi-purpose revolving loans).
Repayment deadline
- Up to one year
Loan Currency
- HRK with a foreign currency clause
- Foreign currency
- Financing current needs and maintaining short-term liquidity in production, trade, transport, export, payment services, seasonal needs, investment in craft capital with the possibility of a loan on shares in funds managed by PBZ Invest.
Manner of use
- At the client's request all at once, successive or revolving.
Manner of return
- In equal monthly instalments until the end of contracted deadline or
- Revolving on agreed dynamics.
Other requirements
- As agreed with the Bank.
Allowed overdraft on HRK business account
Flexible and daily available funds of up to the amount of approved overdraft makes it easy to finance the need for additional working capital or maintaining current liquidity. Loan is agreed with a repayment date of 12 months, with low interest rates, and you can have the money at your disposal within 24 hours from the moment the contract is signed.
Multi-purpose revolving loans
Enables repeated use and repayment of loans within the specified period; the loan amount is determined, i.e. the frame to which you can use the loan.
Long-term loans
Please see our offer of long-term loans and other packages in our special programmes.
Repayment deadline
- over a year
Loan Currency
- HRK with a foreign currency clause
- Foreign currency
- Financing company development
- Long-term investment
- Implementing investment projects
- Purchasing capital assets
- Financing permanent working capital
- Providing loans for export production
- Financing the build of residential and business buildings intended to be further sold on the market
- Cooperating in syndicate loans
- Financing projects
- Buyer´s loan (loan intended as support and promotion of export, used by PBZ, as the bank of an exporter, to grant loans to the importer's bank)
- Loan programmes in cooperation with the HBOR or other state and public institutions
Manner of use
- At the client's request at once or successively based on the documentation proving the specific purpose of the loan.
Manner of return
- In equal instalments; once a month, once every three months or once in six months, i.e. depending on the dynamics of the investment, with the possibility of approving loan repayment grace period.
Other requirements
- As agreed with the Bank.
Buyer's loan
Exporters, in particular exporters of capital equipment, know that, apart from quality and price, a buyer on the international market decides on a supplier, almost as a rule, based on the payment requirements, i.e. loan requirements offered by the sellers. PBZ is the first business bank in the Republic of Croatia to have recognized the importance of providing loans abroad to support Croatian export sector in the market competition for large foreign projects and, in 2000, granted the first buyer's loan in the Republic of Croatia.
Buyer's Credit is a loan intended as support and promotion of export, used by PBZ, as the bank of the exporter, to grant loans to the importer's bank/the importer insured from commercial and political risks by insurance policy issued by the HBOR, the Croatian export credit agency, in favour of PBZ. The loan is used to finance export of goods and services of Croatian origin
Buyer's Credit offers many advantages to the exporter:
- Increased demand and markets for goods and services abroad
- Increased exporter's liquidity
- No loan risk (exporter bears no risk for not paying the loan)
- No foreign currency risk (payment in the currency of the commercial contract)
- Loan is not within exposure limit, which PBZ granted to the exporter
- PBZ has become the no. 1 business bank in the Republic of Croatia in the business of financing export via Buyer's loan.
Financing request is delivered to PBZ before the commercial contract is concluded.
Loan is used to finance max. 85 % of the value of export contract, while 15 % of the work value is paid via 15 % in advance
Loan is repaid in the currency of the export contract (EUR or USD) to the exporter, and loan is paid by the exporter or his bank.
If the repayment date is two years, loan can be up to 100 % of the export contract.
The amount of the export contract is gained by reducing the commercial contract by the amount of local costs (goods costs, services, fees, taxes, etc.) paid in the exporter’s state.
The maximum amount of local costs that can be financed is 30 % of the export contract.
Consumer loans
PBZ has enabled craftsmen and company owners to purchase goods and services via our consumer loan. The amount of the loan that can be granted is between EUR 500 and 10,000.
Contract a consumer loan at your nearest PBZ Branch Office.
Loan Beneficiaries:
- Companies and craftsmen registered at the Commercial Court
Loan Purpose
- Buying goods of wide variety and services
Amounts, monthly annuity and repayment date (for the loan amount)
- EUR 500 – 2,500 - repayment up to 24 months
- EUR 2,501 – 5,000 - repayment up to 36 months
- EUR 5,001 – 7,500 - repayment up to 48 months
- EUR 7,501 – 10,000 - repayment up to 60 months
Interest rate
- 13.38% annually, variable (EKS 13.38%).
Special loan programs
Upgrade your business and become a part of the entrepreneurship world. PBZ will help you with that by preparing loan programmes just for you in order to increase small and medium-sized enterprises.
Programs to encourage development of small and medium-sized enterprises developed in cooperation with the Ministry of the Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship, and the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Communications.
Programs to develop the economy concluded with local authorities and self-government units are:
- Local development projects - Entrepreneur
- Social Services project
- Homeland War Veterans Project
- Women in enterprise project
- Projekt "Poduzetništvo mladih"
- Entrepreneurship for young people
- New technologies project
- Program of loans for small family businesses in tourism – “Incentive for Success”
Loans for small and medium-sized enterprises development programmes in tourism
- PBZ grants long-term loans with a currency clause.
- Loans are granted with a currency case calculated using middle exchange rate issued by the Croatian National Bank at the moment the loan was released.
Loan Beneficiary:
- Small and medium-sized enterprises, craftsmen, cooperatives that deal in tourism or are based on activities closely related to tourism,
- Individual tourism employees or citizens dealing in renting accommodations or tourism capacities or perform work related to tourism.
Loan amount:
- The lowest amount of individual loan is the equivalent of EUR 5,000
- The highest amount is not set and it depends on the quality of the programme
Interest rate:
- Interest rate is annually 7 %, variable. A fixed 2 % interest shall be subsidized by the ministry, i.e. each ministry by 1 %, so the interest rate for the end user is 5 %, variable.
Repayment date:
- 3-12 years, increased by a grace period of 6-25 months until the existing tourism capacities are built, upgraded or reconstructed.
HBOR krediti iz sredstava EIB-a
Europska investicijska banka (EIB) je banka Europske unije koja odobrava dugoročna financijska sredstva za investicijske projekte kojima pruža potporu ostvarivanju ciljeva politika Europske unije.
HBOR sredstva EIB-a plasira i u suradnji s Privrednom bankom Zagreb d.d. kroz programe kreditiranja za financiranje malog i srednjeg poduzetništva, srednje kapitaliziranih poduzeća, te javnih i privatnih poduzeća.
Više o pogodnostima kreditiranja te aktivnostima i kriterijima EIB-a za financiranje vaših investicija saznajte na linku.
Framework Lines
Short-term framework lines may include warranties, documentary letters of credit, letters of intent and credits that enable flexible and quick solutions to clients’ business requirements.
Framework lines are particularly significant if you have a frequent need for the above products, which, in turn, require realisation in a very short period of time.
We take pride in the fact that, since your domestic and foreign partners highly value the name of Privredna banka Zagreb, they may often explicitly request a guarantee from your Bank - Privredna banka Zagreb.
Based on your request, we can issue different guarantees in various forms and with different expiry dates, in support of your business both in Croatia and abroad:
- payment guarantees - serving as security instruments for payment of goods and financial loans
- performance guarantees - serving as security instruments for the completion of contractual obligations (tender guarantees, advance payment guarantees, temporary import guarantees, good performance bonds, warranty guarantees, retention money guarantees etc.)
- customs guarantees
- counter-guarantees in favour of foreign banks
- okvirne revolving linije za korištenje garantnih proizvoda i pisama namjere
A precondition for the issuance of a guarantee by the Bank is the submission of an application and all relevant accompanying documents:
- i.e. contracts, public tender documents etc.
- in addition to these documents, the application must also include all your status and financial documents.
Guarantees received from abroad
If you wish to secure the collection of your claims from abroad or the proper performance of services of any kind through your business partner's commercial bank guarantees issued in your favour, PBZ can offer you the following services:
- forwarding your business partner's bank guarantee received by SWIFT and confirming the authenticity of the guarantee
- authentication of a guarantee received directly from your foreign partner's commercial bank
- providing an expert opinion on the wording of a received guarantee
- call for payment under received guarantees
- issuing guarantees in your favour at the request of your foreign partner's commercial bank.
Documentary Letter of Credit
A Documentary Letter of Credit (L/C) is a conditional undertaking of payment for goods or services. It is a written undertaking by an issuing bank given to the Seller (Beneficiary) at the request and on the instructions of the Buyer (Applicant) to pay at sight or at a specified future dated a defined amount against presentation of stipulated documents.
A Documentary Letter of Credit is the safest payment instrument, which gives maximum protection both to the buyer and the seller.
If you are a BUYER / IMPORTER , an L/C can protect your interests because the payment of an agreed amount of money will be made only if the seller (exporter) presents documents in compliance with the terms and conditions of the L/C to prove that the goods or services of an agreed quality have been delivered/provided in the agreed quantity within an agreed period of time.
Vi ste kao kupac osigurani da će komercijalni posao biti realiziran prema ugovoru te da ćete dobiti upravo onu robu koju ste naručili (količinu i kvalitetu) i u dogovorenom roku.
S druge strane, mi, Privredna banka Zagreb, jamčimo vam da plaćanje neće biti izvršeno ako dokumenti nisu u skladu s uvjetima akreditiva.
If you are a SELLER / EXPORTER , an L/C can secure the collection of payment, provided that you deliver goods or provide services and submit to the Bank all the relevant documents in compliance with the terms and conditions of the L/C. A deferred payment L/C provides both an insurance for payment for your exported goods and a perfect trade finance instrument.
Export Finance
Buyer's Credit
PBZ is the first business bank in the Republic of Croatia to have recognized the importance of providing credits abroad to support Croatian export sector in the market competition for large foreign projects and, in 2000, granted the first buyer's credit in the Republic of Croatia.
Buyer's credit is a loan intended as support and promotion of export, used by PBZ, as the bank of an exporter, as the bank of the exporter, to grant loans to the importer's bank/to the importer insured from commercial and political risks by insurance policy issued by the HBOR, the Croatian export credit agency, in the favour of PBZ. Credit is used solely to finance export of goods and services of Croatian origin.
Export forfaiting
Export forfaiting is a flexible and quick form of financing consisting of long-term and short-term claims recovery without the right of recourse to the previous creditor. In that way, and in the shortest time possible, the exporter acquires funds before the actual payment of the achieved export and transfers to PBZ, as a forfaiter, credit risk, exchange rate risk and other types of risks in conducting business abroad. It is the fastest way to finance an exporter through the recovery of transferable payment insurance instruments.
Acceptable forfaiting instruments are:
- Irrevocable documentary letter of credit opened for the exporter's benefit;
- Promissory notes guaranteed by a bank or issued by borrowers with a rating acceptable to the Bank;
- Irrevocable, unconditional bank warranties payable on the first call, issued in favour of exporters guaranteed the payment of debtor's due obligations.
Export Factoring
PBZ, as a member of the world's biggest factoring organization - Factors Chain International (FCI), with over 200 members from more than 60 countries in the world, offers exporters the opportunity to increase foreign market sale liquidity and income through the export factor, with regard to the specific requests and needs of each individual job.
Export factoring is financial business of recovery of receivables between business entities from Croatia and abroad with the use of two-factor system through cooperation and communication with Factors Chain International (FCI).
Apart from export factoring, PBZ offers other factoring products, such as domestic factoring, import factoring, revolving factoring, etc.
Trade Finance
Trade Finance
Since your local and foreign partners highly value the name of Privredna banka Zagreb, they may often explicitly request a bank guarantee to be issued by Privredna banka Zagreb.
At your request and on the basis of concluded domestic and international commercial contracts or other documentation, we can issue all types of guarantees that may facilitate domestic as well as foreign trade:
- payment guarantees – are used to secure payments for delivered goods and payments under granted financial loans,
- performance guarantees – are used as security for the fulfilment of contractual obligations (tender guarantees, advance payment guarantees, temporary import guarantees, performance bonds/guarantees which are used to secure good and timely performance of one's obligation under the contract, warranty guarantees, and other guarantees which secure the performance of a certain action),
- customs guarantees,
- all the above-mentioned types of guarantees can be issued as direct or indirect guarantees i.e. as counter-guarantees in favour of foreign banks,
- framework revolving facilities for issuance of guarantees and letters of intent.
For more information please contact or your Relationship Manager.
Escrow Account
An escrow account is one in which the contracting parties in a commercial agreement (the client in relation to the Bank), deposits an escrow with a bank (the bank as broker), money, securities or document which are kept on deposit, in that the bank is authorized to pay out the deposited money or document to the other contracting party (the beneficiary), under the conditions established by the escrow contract between the bank and the escrow agent, the client and the beneficiary.
This is a trust account, which serves to settle claims from which payment is made only after certain conditions have been met. It serves to offer services of brokerage when conducting monetary transactions which are conditioned by the completion of specific actions, which are proven by presentation of the contract documents.
Additional information:
- for additional information please contact your client relations manager at Financial Institutions and Special Financing Division.
PBZ Factoring
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. performs all kinds of factoring jobs on the domestic and international market. We provide entrepreneurs with financing, billing and claim management services, with the application of top standards for domestic and international factoring.