PBZCOM@NET online banking service
Perform your financial tasks cheaper and faster by using the PBZCOM@NET online banking service. You are required to have a computer with internet access and you will be able to access your business account using a smart card or a USB device. Set up the PBZCOM@NET service with your client relations manager or at the PBZ Sinergo desk.
Fill out, validate and sign your Application Form and Request.
PBZCOM@NET online banking for businesses is an electronic banking service for businesses that enables electronic business operations between the Bank and the Client.
Communication between the Bank and the Client is done online and is secured using the PKI infrastructure.
What does PBZCOM@NET do?
PBZCOM@NET allows payment transactions, foreign exchange transactions (FX), term deposits and investment business to be completed electronically, as well as other functionalities related to the business operations between the Client and the Bank.
- overview of the balance and transactions on transactions account
- overview of statements in domestic and foreign currency
- issuance of solvency data (bon-2)
- insight into arrears
- overview of costs of American Express cards
- overview of transactions on the Visa Business Electron debit card
- overview of invoices
- national payments in domestic currency
- national payments in foreign currency
- international payments, domestic and foreign currency
- urgent payments
- announcing placing of payments
- recall of an announced order
- printouts of payment receipts
- overview of orders by status
- loading of bulk aggregate orders
- overview of orders issued in an aggregate order
Buying and Selling of Foreign Currency:
- buying and selling of foreign currency at a regular rate
- buying and selling of foreign currency at an agreed exchange rate (FX confirmations)
- overview of exchange rates
Term Deposits:
- non-purpose term domestic and foreign currency deposits
- contracting the agreed interest (MM confirmations)
- termination of the deposit via the PBZCOM@NET term
- informative calculation
- overview of all term deposits
- records of all term deposits
Financing Business Operation:
- basic and detailed information about loans, lines of credit, guarantees, letters of intent and letters of credit
- loan status, lines of credit, guarantees and letters of credit in the currency
- display of repayment plans for loans
- list of products from a line of credit
- request for loan use.
Investment Business Operations:
- information about business investments
- account balance and transactions of shares in investment funds
- creating and implementing requests for the purchase, sale and transfer of shares
- overview of requests for the purchase, sale and transfer of shares
Other Functionalities:
- granting authority
- contracting other electronic banking services
- redistribution of the PBZmToken
- user preferences
- messages
- contacts
- multilingualism
What is required to use the PBZCOM@NET?
- a computer with an Internet browser
- internet access
- payment instruments
- smart card, smart card reader and software support for the operation of the reader, or
- a USB security device, or
- a PBZmToken
Quantifying business certificates which are issued to the end user authorized by the Business are stored on the smart card or a USB security device.
A PBZmToken is for dual use:
- additional authorization device for complete signing of unusual transactions
- independent authorization device
What are the prerequisites for using the PBZCOM@NET?
- entering into a contractual relationship with the Bank
- downloading the software and the payment instrument (smart card/USB device/PBZmToken)
- users of smart cards or USB devices need a computer with a Windows operating system and an installed software
- users of the PBZmToken need a computer or a tablet
- internet access
- granting authorization to the Superuser and End Users
Where and how can you contract the PBZCOM@NET service?
You can contract the PBZCOM@NET service with your client relations manager or a craftsmen and SMEs officer at the PBZ Sinergo desk, and in order to contract the service you need to fill out, validate and sign the following Application Form and Request.
For additional information you can find:
- on PBZCOM@NET website - http://com.pbz.hr
- in PBZCOM@NET promo video
- on free info telephone 0800 PBZ COM (0800 729 266)
- on e-mail address: com@pbz.hr
- General Terms for the use of Electronic Banking Services