Take advantage of the benefits
Protection and security
As an insurance intermediary and in cooperation with Generali osiguranje, Privredna banka Zagreb offers you the opportunity of contracting an insurance policy tailored to your needs and capabilities.
Property insurance
Insurance packages
Choose the appropriate scope of insurance protection according to your needs and use the discount for contracting an insurance package.
Field of application
Property insurance of business entities is applied for
all activities of business entities:
- office activities
- doctor's office
- service activities
- production and trade
- trade.
Object of insurance
- All facilities, equipment, goods and supplies owned by the company or trade up to the insurance amount of EUR 1,990,842.00 (refers to the total sum of all insurance items).
- Insured items whose value exceeds EUR 1,990,842.00 are insured through the Generali osiguranje directorate (inquiry to the CVP - Central External Sales department).
A prerequisite for contracting insurance against other risks is contracting insurance against the risk of fire.
Premium, amount and method
- It can be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly and monthly.
- There is no surcharge for paying the premium in installments.
- The premium can be paid by direct debit or standing order.
Determining the insurance amount
- For construction objects - on the new construction value based on the real estate assessment and on the basis of the gross area of the building expressed in m² and the price per m² according to the price list.
- For equipment, goods and supplies - new purchase value from the insured's business records.
Method of insurance
- Full value insurance (insurance is concluded on the actual value of the subject of insurance).
- Insurance for the 1st risk (item insurance up to the agreed insurance amount).
Insured risks
- Fire risk insurance.
- Effusion of water from water and sewage pipes.
- Insurance against the risk of glass breakage.
- Interruption due to fire due to basic fire risks.
- Insurance against the risk of burglary and robbery.
- Insurance against floods and torrents.
- General liability insurance.
Životni kasko
More than an insurance policy.
Comprehensive life insurance in case of death or unforeseen events with the possibility of contracting a wide range of supplementary insurances.
A life insurance policy provides financial security for you and your family in the event of an adverse event.
- insurance and payment of the insured amount in case of death and financial support in case of other unwanted outcomes (bone fracture compensation, daily compensation for temporary incapacity for work, annuity payment in case of permanent disability, etc.),
- additional protection by contracting supplementary insurances:
- supplementary accident insurance in the event of death (death in the event of an accident, death due to a traffic accident)
- supplementary insurance for the consequences of an accident (annuity in case of permanent disability, sum assured for broken bones, exemption from payment of premium, supplementary insurance for critical illnesses, permanent disability, daily allowance due to temporary incapacity for work, daily allowance for hospital stay)
- supplementary insurance for children against the consequences of an accident (can be taken out for a child up to the age of 19)
- favorable premium