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Long-term loan from EIB funds.

Take advantage of the benefits

Long-term loan

Quality entrepreneurial projects

The procurement of equipment and machine

Agreement on insurance instruments

Construction, purchase and adaptation

Longer loan repayment periods


Healthy investments are the basis of the success of any enterprise or craft.
PBZ has designed a credit line along with the European Investment Bank (EIB) for:

  • investments in construction
  • the purchase and adaptation of production and business premises
  • the procurement of equipment, machinery, vehicles and ICT infrastructure


  • long-term loan from EIB funds
  • the loan is approved with a currency clause in EUR or as a pure foreign currency loan
  • loan payment in favour of the supplier
Amount and maturity

Amount and maturity

Amount: from EUR 20,000 to EUR 500,000 in HRK equivalent

Maturity:  from 3 to 10 years

Interest rate and fees

Interest rate and fees

More favourable interest rate, variable, in the amount of the 6-month EURIBOR plus an interest rate margin.

The bank defines the amount of interest and compensation individually.

Method of repayment

Method of repayment

 Equal monthly instalments.

Insurance instruments

Insurance instruments

As agreed, only certain activities are financed.

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