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Check your preconditions and contract online!

An innovative service for your needs

Transfer to PBZ Digital Banking for business entities – an innovative service fully adjusted to your business needs! You can carry out your online business in two ways: by means of a mobile app and/or internet application.

Numerous functionalities are available anytime, anywhere:

  • access to details of all business accounts and transactions, business cards, credit liabilities
  • transferring funds between own accounts
  • carrying out payment transactions in the domestic and foreign currency
  • online contracting of products and services.

For more efficient business, with the PBZ Digital Banking service for business entities, choose one of the new and improved SINERGO 2.0 packages according to your business needs.


Special offer!

If you opt for one of the new Sinergo 2.0 packages, you will receive all the products and benefits within each package at prices that are cheaper than when the products are contracted individually.



Sinergo Standard 2.0

Sinergo Standard 2.0

It is intended for small entrepreneurs who need a reliable payment management service, debit VISA Business card, digital banking, convenience of issuing BON-2 documents within the package, additional health insurance, additional card loss insurance, discount for PBZ Leasing d.o.o. and discounts on membership fees for VISA Business cards and for end users of VISA Business cards.

The SINERGO STANDARD 2.0 package for a monthly fee of HRK 75 includes the following benefits:

  • monthly account maintenance fee
  • monthly membership fee for debit card for business entities / 1 additional card /
  • monthly fee for using the PBZ digital banking service for business entities per user / up to 2 users
  • 100% discount on the annual membership fee for business entities for VISA business cards issued by PBZ Card d.o.o. (Visa card for craftsmen, Visa Business Gold and Visa Business Platinum)
  • 50% discount on the annual membership fee for all VISA Business Card Users issued by PBZ Card d.o.o. (Visa card for craftsmen, Visa Business Gold and Visa Business Platinum)
  • 0.3 pp lower interest rate for one financial or operating lease product
  • free issuance of BON-2 documents / up to 3 issues per year
  • card misuse and loss insurance / for up to 2 debit card users
  • additional health insurance - 3 laboratory tests according to medical indication / for up to 2 debit card users
Sinergo Plus 2.0

Sinergo Plus 2.0

It is intended for more experienced entrepreneurs who, in addition to all the benefits of the Sinergo Standard 2.0 package, include an additional user of digital banking and additional insurance against cybercrime, specialist examination through additional health insurance and a discount on FINA e-Invoice.

SINERGO PLUS 2.0 package for a monthly fee of 90 kuna includes the following benefits:

  • monthly account maintenance fee
  • monthly membership fee for debit card for business entities / 1 additional card /
  • monthly fee for using the PBZ digital banking service for business entities per user / up to 3 users
  • 100% discount on the annual membership fee for business entities for VISA business cards issued by PBZ Card d.o.o. (Visa card for craftsmen, Visa Business Gold and Visa Business Platinum)
  • 50% discount on the annual membership fee for all VISA Business Card Users issued by PBZ Card d.o.o. (Visa card for craftsmen, Visa Business Gold and Visa Business Platinum)
  • 0.3 pp lower interest rate for one financial or operating lease product
  • free issuance of BON-2 documents / up to 4 issues per year
  • 30% discount on the amount of the monthly fee for using the FINA e-Invoice service and 30% discount on individual transactions performed through the FINA e-Invoice service
  • card misuse and loss insurance / for up to 2 debit card users
  • additional health insurance - 3 laboratory tests according to medical indication / for up to 2 debit card users for business entities
  • additional health insurance - 1 specialist examination on medical indication / for up to 2 debit card users for business entities
  • insurance against illegal attack on digital banking services on the mobile device or computer of the service user / for up to 2 users of PBZ digital banking for business entities and debit cards for business entities






Sinergo Premium 2.0

Sinergo Premium 2.0

It is intended for experienced entrepreneurs who are continuously expanding their business and who, in addition to all the benefits of the Sinergo Plus 2.0 package, have additional benefits that include priority line service for accelerated communication with the Bank, 100% discount on #withMYBANKS, certain diagnostic tests and other medical opinions via additional health insurance, exemption from the monthly fee for POS devices at PBZ Card doo, additional accident insurance and a discount on the loan processing fee.

The SINERGO PREMIUM 2.0 package for a monthly fee of HRK 150 includes the following benefits:

  • monthly account maintenance fee
  • monthly membership fee for debit card for business entities / 1 additional card /
  • monthly fee for using the PBZ digital banking service for business entities per user / up to 4 users
  • 100% discount on the annual membership fee for business entities for VISA business cards issued by PBZ Card d.o.o. (Visa card for craftsmen, Visa Business Gold and Visa Business Platinum)
  • 50% discount on the annual membership fee for all VISA Business Card Users issued by PBZ Card d.o.o. (Visa card for craftsmen, Visa Business Gold and Visa Business Platinum)
  • 0.3 pp lower interest rate for one financial or operating lease product
  • free issuance of BON-2 documents / up to 4 issues per year
  • 30% discount on the amount of the monthly fee for using the FINA e-Invoice service and 30% discount on individual transactions performed through the FINA e-Invoice service
  • 100% discount on the amount of the monthly fee for using the #withMYBANKS service and exemption from the fee for activating the service
  • exemption from monthly fee - for POS devices of PBZ Card d.o.o.
  • discount on the fee for processing applications for all loans (except overdrafts based on turnover, quick deficit and special lines) in the amount of up to HRK 1,000.00
  • card misuse and loss insurance / for up to 2 debit card users
  • additional health insurance - 3 laboratory tests according to medical indication / for up to 2 debit card users for business entities
  • additional health insurance - certain diagnostic tests and other medical opinion / for up to 2 debit card users for business entities
  • insurance against illegal attack on digital banking services on the mobile device or computer of the service user / for up to 2 users of PBZ digital banking for business entities and debit cards for business entities
  • Accident insurance: Accident death insurance - HRK 10,000 for two insured persons or HRK 20,000 for one insured person, permanent disability due to an accident - HRK 10,000 for two insured persons or HRK 20,000 for one insured person
  • priority call retrieval service from specialized agents of the Bank's headquarters
Sinergo Obrtnik 2.0

Sinergo Obrtnik 2.0

It is intended for craftsmen who need a reliable payment service, debit VISA Business card, digital banking, discount for PBZ Leasing doo products, additional health insurance, additional card loss insurance and discount on membership fees for VISA business cards and discount for end users of VISA crafts card.

SINERGO OBRTNIK 2.0 package for a monthly fee of 65 kn includes the following benefits:

  • monthly account maintenance fee
  • monthly membership fee for debit card for business entities / 1 additional card /
  • monthly fee for using the PBZ digital banking service for business entities per user / one user
  • 100% discount on the annual membership fee for business entities for VISA business cards issued by PBZ Card d.o.o. (Visa card for craftsmen, Visa Business Gold and Visa Business Platinum)
  • 50% discount on the annual membership fee for all VISA Business Card Users issued by PBZ Card d.o.o. (Visa card for craftsmen, Visa Business Gold and Visa Business Platinum)
  • 0.3 pp lower interest rate for one financial or operating lease product
  • card misuse and loss insurance / for up to 2 debit card users
  • additional health insurance - 3 laboratory tests according to medical indication / for up to 2 debit card users

How to contract the PBZ Digital Banking service for business entities and one of the Sinergo 2.0 packages?

  • At the closest Sinergo Desk with a previously agreed time of the meeting at the email address poduzeca.sastanci@pbz.hr or contact your Client Relationship Manager who will propose an appropriate appointment.
  • If you meet the preconditions – fully online, following a simple activation process by means of internet and the current PBZCOM@NET service.
Preconditions for online contracting

Preconditions for online contracting

  • You are the only end user of the PBZCOM@NET service
  • You are an independent authorised person or owner of a trade
  • For package users, you are the only holder of the Sinergo business package
  • You have up-to-date registration data and up-to-date status documentation
  • Mobile device and phone number
  • Emai
What does servise and package activation include

What does servise and package activation include

  • Contracting new PBZ Digital Banking for business entities
  • Cancellation of the existing electronic services: mPBZCOM, PBZCOM@NET and COMSMS
  • Change in the way of the delivery of the excerpt from PBZCOM@NET to Digital banking for corporate clients
  • Transfer of templates and orders from PBZCOM@NET service to the new PBZ digital banking service
  • Contracting the new Sinergo 2.0 package (according to choice)
  • Cancellation of the current Sinergo package (if the same was contracted)
Steps in the process of online contracting service

Steps in the process of online contracting service

Step 1 

Sign into the online service contracting process – click Contract service

Step 2 

Read the information on the contracting process and confirm mobile phone number

Step 3 

Selection of the offer:

select the contracting of one of the Sinergo 2.0/PBZ digital banking business packages for corporate clients
enter, check and confirm data for the contracting of PBZ digital banking and Sinergo 2.0 business package
GDPR Consent (only for craftsmen)

Step 4 

Control and signing of documentation

Step 5 

Mobile service activation

Step 6 

Control and signing of the documents related to the Sinergo 2.0 business package on PBZ digital banking (only for users without the FINA certificate who have selected the package)

Contract & activate the service

Contract PBZ Digital Banking for business entities and one of the new Sinergo 2.0 packages.
Contract now
PBZ Digital Banking for business entities in a few steps...
Step 1
Check the prerequisites for online contracting and contract PBZ digital banking for businesses without going to Sinergo Desk

Contract now
Step 2
If you do not meet the preconditions for online contracting, set an appointment in the Bank by sending an email to poduzeca.sastanci@pbz.hr.

Step 3
Prepare the necessary documents for contracting the service and visit the Sinergo Desk at the agreed time.
digital banking for business entitites

Internet and mobile application in one service

Find out more about PBZ Digital Banking for business entities.
Minimum technical preconditions for using PBZ Digital Banking for business entities:

In order to use the mobile app, you will need a mobile device with the following operating system:

  • Android: version 8.0 or higher 
  • iOS: version 11.0 or higher

For using the internet application, you will need to have access to the internet and use the following web browser versions:

  • Google Chrome 80.0.3987 (or newer),
  • Mozilla Firefox 68.4 (or newer),
  • Safari 14 (or newer).

The internet application is accessed through the authentication/authorisation #withKEY system integrated in the mobile app of the service and adjusted also for the confirmation of the authenticity in the process of the purchase and payment on the internet point of sale in the safe internet purchase model (3-D Secure).

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