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PBZ Invest d.o.o. will soon change its name to Eurizon Asset Management Croatia d.o.o.
PBZ Invest d.o.o. (hereinafter: Company) plans to change by the end of November its name to Eurizon Asset Management Croatia d.o.o., as well as the names of the funds under its management.
The change will have no impact on your existing contractual relationship with the Company, including your contractual rights and obligations, which remain unchanged. There is no need to conclude new contracts, nor are you required to take any further actions.
The Company has been successfully operating on the Croatian market under the name PBZ Invest d.o.o. for more than two decades and has been a part of the Eurizon family within the Intesa Sanpaolo Group since 2013.
Once the legal requirements have been met, you will be informed of any changes.
Investment funds
Our investment funds are a specific type of investing funds, wherein the investor chooses the funds whose investment goals are in accordance with the investor’s investment goals, depending on their financial goals, the duration of the investment and the potential yield or risk.
Find out more about PBZ Invest's investment funds at www.pbzinvest.hr
PBZ Invest investment funds
The Company currently manages twelve open-ended investment funds with a public offering, and these are the following:
- PBZ START fond
- PBZ D-START fond
- PBZ Bond fond
- PBZ Global fond
- PBZ Equity fond
- PBZ Conservative 10 fond
- PBZ Short term bond fond
- PBZ Euro Short Term Bond fond
- PBZ Flexible 30 fond
- PBZ Dollar Bond fond (fond s dospijećem)
- PBZ Dollar Bond fond 2 (fond s dospijećem)
- PBZ International Multi Asset fond
Basic characteristics
Investment funds are differentiated according to the investment strategy, according to the recommended investment period, at the risk level to which the assets of an open investment fund are exposed to, and therefore according to the level of potential yield.
It is important to note that before making a decision on investing in investment funds, it is advisable to read the prospectus of the selected fund in which it is possible to get acquainted with the specific investment strategy, fees and risks. Also, it is advisable to read the ID card of the fund, which presents historical trends in share prices, historically generated yields, the current portfolio structure, geographic exposure and key information for investors (abbr. KIID, Key Investor Information Document), which contains a description of the essential characteristics of the UCITS Fund and provides investors with an understanding of the nature and significance of the risk, assessing the consequences of acquiring a share in the UCITS Fund.
There are four different types of funds:
- short-term bond funds
- bond funds
- mixed funds
- share funds