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Online banking

Internet banking for entrepreneurs.

Take advantage of the benefits

Saving time

Status and traffic information available at any time

Manage your information independently

Monitor your entire payment process at any time

Simpler process

Safe and easy way to pay wages



You can perform your financial operations faster and with lower costs with the help of PBZCOM@NET Internet banking.

With the help of a smart card or USB device, you will be able to access your business account and the only requirement is a computer with Internet access.

Arrange a PBZCOM@NET service with your client relations manager or at the PBZ Sinergo desk.

PBZ digitalno bankarstvo za poslovne subjekte

PBZ digitalno bankarstvo za poslovne subjekte

Potpuno online poslovanje s bankom s najsuvremenijim funkcionalnostima koje možete koristiti na dva načina, na mobilnom uređaju ili računalu. Više na linku



The PBZePlaće service is intended to help clients pay salaries or other benefits to their employees in the most secure way, regardless of whether they have an open transaction account at Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.

It is intended for all employers (regardless of whether they have an account with PBZ d.d.) to help them pay salaries and other benefits to their employees who have an open transaction account in the Bank in the most secure way.

In addition to simplifying the process of paying salaries and other benefits, our goal is primarily to allow clients to send a list with the specification of benefits via a secure channel.

Therefore, if you are accustomed to making a payment by fax or by e-mail, it is time to opt for this service because you can now:

  • send paid payroll lists via a secure channel at the Bank instead of the current channels such as e-mail or fax
  • you can submit a specification at any time from 0 to 24h
  • you can manage your data independently and monitor the entire payment process at all times
  • you can simply set up the PBZePlaće service at the nearest Sinergo desk

Use a secure channel to pay salaries and other benefits to the employees of your company.



Arrange an e-ured service and you will receive a business account statement by e-mail.

In order to arrange e-ured, you do not need to be an Internet banking user.

You can arrange an e-ured service at your nearest PBZ Sinergo desk or through the PBZCOM@NET service.

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