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The foundations of our successful business are our employees, who actively take part in the modern development of the bank, and in creating constant changes. PBZ, as an innovative and contemporary bank directed at internal development, provides an environment in which you can evolve in the direction you want. To us, the universal way of achieving a career is not a mystery: by efficient work, by goal completion, by the continuous development of competencies, by responsible managerial behaviour, by the acceptance of diversity, by team contribution and personal proactivity. All the prerequisites are there, you just need to put them to use.

“The world is as interesting as we are curious”


For all the inquiries contact: posao@pbz.hr

Who we are

Who we are

Certifikat Poslodavac Partner

Privredna banka Zagreb uspješno je obnovila certifikat Poslodavac Partner čime je još jednom dokazala da se nalazi u prestižnoj skupini poslodavaca s vrhunskim HR praksama. PBZ je prošao kroz opsežan proces procjene upravljanja ljudskim resursima, a dodatno je pokazao izvrsnu povezanost svih praksi.

Nezavisni certifikacijski tim iz SELECTIO Grupe, najveće grupacije za savjetovanje u ljudskim resursima, posebno je pohvalio PBZ zbog iznadprosječnog ulaganja u razvoj kulture i ljudskih potencijala te cjelokupnog HR sustava koji potiče angažiranost i zadovoljstvo svih zaposlenih. 

Najvažnija procjenjivana područja ostvarila su izvrsne rezultate, a PBZ se dodatno istaknuo kvalitetom u upravljanju učinkom pomoću kojeg uspješno povećava efikasnost timova, razvija znanje i vještine zaposlenih i u konačnici osigurava uspjeh organizacije. Također, posebno su se istaknuli dobro postavljenom HR strategijom i kvalitetno vođenim procesima regrutacije i selekcije koja se provodi jednako kvalitetno za sve kandidate.  – Lara Šubić Šuša, voditeljica projekta Poslodavac Partner.

U 2021. PBZ je pokrenuo mnoge inicijative usmjerene na okoliš od kojih je najznačajnija 'PBZ Šuma' koja uključuje 20.000 m2 pošumljenog terena, a ništa manje zastupljene nisu bile ni inicijative usmjerene na dobrobit zaposlenika. Radilo se na povezivanju zaposlenika u nove mreže temeljem sličnih interesa te je pružena podrška oko vođenja timova na daljinu kako bi se podigao timski duh. Kako bi održali podržavajuću komunikaciju među zaposlenima, uvedena je aplikacija Jenz koja, uz ostale dobre prakse, promovira novu funkciju „Pohvali kolegu“. Ovaj jednostavan alat za pohvale ojačao je povezanost timova i stvorio je pozitivnu atmosferu u PBZ-u.

Uz to, PBZ organizira humanitarne akcije, a kroz program „PBZ volontira“, potiče i razvija društvenu odgovornost zaposlenih prema zajednici. PBZ tako sudjeluje u raznovrsnim studentskim projektima poput Zlatnog indeksa, Business Matchmaker, STEM Games, Tjedan karijera na FOI-u, Student Future day, Career Speed Dating, Jobfair, a mogu se pohvaliti i suradnjom sa sveučilištem u Splitu na UNIST Career Speed Dateu.

Drago nam je biti u krugu poslodavaca nositelja certifikata Poslodavac partner. Privredna banka Zagreb dugogodišnjim radom na poboljšanju kvalitete upravljanja ljudskim resursima te održavanjem dobro postavljenih praksi pruža podršku cjelokupnom poslovanju što zasigurno pozitivno utječe na uspješnost organizacije na tržištu, izjavio je Viši izvršni direktor Ljudskih resursa Miroslav Halužan.


PBZ kindergarten Čigra

Following the policy of social responsibility and employee care, the PBZ Group by the opening of a corporate kindergarten, in 2012 has entered a narrow circle of employers who strive to provide better working conditions for their employees. The decision of the Bank’s Management Board to co-finance part of the kindergarten programme cost for the children of PBZ Group employees is an additional benefit, which together with the subsidy of the City of Zagreb, making the price of private corporate kindergarten very acceptable. The kindergarten can accommodate a total of 93 children, with more than 80 children enrolled each school year.


At the PBZ Group, we recognise the importance of caring for the health of our employees. We have, therefore, since 1995, made available to all our employees the participation in preventive health check-ups every two years. As a part of the Intesa Sanpaolo International Healthcare Programme, all PBZ Group employees have access to the world's most respectable medical experts and treatment at the best clinical centres in the world.
At the PBZ Group, we also organize various sports sections which PBZ Group employees can join and which also enable to our employees to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Key Difference

Privredna Banka Zagreb received the Key Difference Award 2011 in the gender equality category and was, also, one of the finalists in the general equality category. The Bank has, in its award entry, proved real respect, as well as regulating and organising numerous activities aimed at which are directed to true and unlimited supporting of the principle of prohibiting discrimination and principles of respecting all differences based on gender, age, disability or ethnicity. The award is a part of the project “Encouraging Diversity on the Croatian Labour Market” and is awarded by the Human Rights Office of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, in partnership with the Mobbing Victim Assistance and Training Association and the Institute for Labour Market Development.

Mamforce Recognition

Privredna Banka Zagreb is one of the first Croatian companies that received in 2014 recognition as the MAMFORCE COMPANY® for excellence in implementing family-friendly policies. The tradition of responsible human resources management provides PBZ employees with a broad range of benefits, helps them achieve the ideal work-life balance and promotes the optimum career development. 

Social Protection

By creating social security, we want to influence the satisfaction of the Group's employees and thus create good interpersonal relationships that are a precondition for developing a healthy team spirit. The social protection of PBZ Group employees implemented through numerous activities. Through procedures and regulations are clearly stated the conditions and ways of providing employee care in order to protect them against various risks that may arise due to certain life circumstances and situations affecting their social stability and safety. In a broader sense, social protection also covers a wide range of social issues, such as providing assistance to severely ill employees and members of their families or socially vulnerable employees and their families. Within these activities, we provide assistance children of deceased and former employees and provide subsidies for the purchase of school books to our employees who have school-aged children.

PBZ Standard

The main goal of the Association is to create a variety of opportunities for raising the quality of spare time enjoyed by its members. Sports sections cover the entire PBZ network, providing our employees from all over Croatia with the opportunity to participate in organised and group workouts. We organise various sports competitions throughout the year and international competitions organised by the Parent Bank under the slogan “We are Intesa Sanpaolo Group”. As further possibilities of improving the quality of life of our employees, were arranged numerous discounts and benefits with various service providers and shops which our employees can use.

Internal Newspaper PBZXpress

In 2006, the Human Resources Department has in cooperation with the PR & Marketing Department launched the internal gazette – PBZXpress with the aim of improving internal communication within the PBZ Group.  PBZXpress is distributed among the entire PBZ Group every month, with each employee personally receiving his or her own copy. PBZXpress is distinguished by its focus on employees who shape it by contributing their suggestions and ideas, at the same time making our employees the authors of articles published in the gazette.

How to join the PBZ Group?

How to join the PBZ Group?

Selection process

We base the selection of new associates on how their key competences best suit them for individual positions, enabling them to reach their full potential at their new workplace. Different methods are used in the process, in order to ensure that the evaluation of competences is as objective, effective and reliable as possible. Each candidate included in the selection process for a position within the PBZ Group goes through three or more rounds of selection, all of which require that certain criteria be met before the candidate is advanced to the next round. Psychological assessment which includes cognitive abilities tests and a personality questionnaire is conducted in the first round of selection. The next step is an interview with the Human Resources representative, and the managers of the organisational unit which employs the new employee participate in the interview in the third selection round. Depending on the position to be filled, the selection process may additionally include a foreign language test, a test concerning the command of MS Excel, preparation of professional presentations and/or an additional selection interview.

selekcijski postpak

Round of selection

Upon completion of the selection process, each candidate who has been included in one of the selection rounds receives feedback. The data of the candidates involved in the selection process remains in the PBZ Group’s database for future tenders. There is a possibility of contacting the candidate again in case of an open position which is in accordance with their professional skill set and interests.

Presentation of the employer

In order to meet potential candidates and present job opportunities and career prospects within the PBZ Group, we cooperate with numerous institutions, higher education institutions, and student associations.

Therefore, the PBZ Group attends career days of many universities throughout Croatia. In the past year, we were available at the Faculty of Organisation and Informatics, Faculty of Science, and at events organised by the eStudent student association. In collaboration with the VIDI magazine, we hold a presentation of PBZ Group’s IT and communication technologies for the best students at universities of technology once a year and give away 100 free annual VIDI magazine subscriptions.

Frequently asked questions

What does PBZ Group’s selection process involve?

The selection process is identical for all candidates and includes psychological testing as a first step and, in most cases, two rounds of selection interviews. For particular tenders there is a need for an additional round that includes assessment of specific knowledge relevant for the open position.

What if I don’t live in Zagreb and I am unable to attend a selection event there?

For all candidates who are unable to take part in the selection process in Zagreb, we arrange an online selection process in the form of psychological testing via our partner site at https://www.careerathand.com/ followed by a Skype interview.

What do psychological tests involve?

Our psychological evaluation includes cognitive abilities tests and a personality questionnaire without focusing on domain-specific knowledge. You can find more information in the “Selection process” section.

How long does a psychological test take?

A psychological test at the Bank’s premises takes about two and a half hours, with about one and a half hours required to complete an online evaluation.

What can I expect after sending an application form to posao@pbz.hr?

If everything is all right with your application, you will receive our thank you message via e-mail. If we need to hire a candidate with your professional skill set, we will contact you in order to include you in the selection process for the open position.

How long do you keep my personal details in your applicant database?

Candidates’ open applications are stored in our database for a period of twelve months. We invite you to resend you application after the expiry of this period to let us know that you are still interested in PBZ Group as an employer. If there are changes to your professional CV, you can also send us an update earlier.

What does a business “dress code” mean?

A business dress code excludes clothes unsuitable for a business environment, jeans, or sportswear, and trainers.

How to pursue a career in the PBZ Group?

How to pursue a career in the PBZ Group?

Internal mobility

When new positions are opened or filled, we also offer the opportunity to our own employees who are looking for a different experience than their current one. By taking part in internal recruitment, our employees build on their previous knowledge and, at the same time, organisational units gain new vigour and strength within their own ranks from individuals who know how the system works, yet provide a new and different perspective.

International experience

Employees of the PBZ Group, member of the great Intesa Sanpaolo banking group, have the option of taking part in the international internal recruitment of the ISP Group, and in that way have an opportunity to gain international experience in the mother bank, or in one of its other members. By working abroad, most often for two years, the employees gain precious expert knowledge, develop their professional competencies, and master foreign languages. The international arrangement is temporary in nature, and with its expiration, the employee is returned to their initial organizational unit within the PBZ Group. By working in an international team, tolerance for diversity, diverse cultures, customs and habits is additionally being developed, which significantly enriches not only the person but also the organization to which they belong. Upon their return to Croatia, and with the sharing of such experiences, our team is becoming stronger in the spirit of tolerance, respect and understanding of clients and colleagues. The knowledge and experience gained, as well as its selfless sharing with colleagues, can be an additional factor for further the advancement of the employee in the PBZ Group. Previous international experiences foster the significant interest of the ISP Group in our employees, but also further applications of our colleagues. Some employees have already returned, some are still in international teams, and some are currently planning to go.

My PBZ story


Office Director in the Zagreb Region

I joined the PBZ team in 2005 and my first job was as a bank clerk after passing the professional exam, I worked as a personal banker, where I gained experience in credit operation and later I worked as shift supervisor where, along with various other assignments, I assisted the office manager in controlling all the business processes and budget realization.I gained my first experience in management in 2007 as the manager of an office with 10 employees, and in 2008, as the office director, I took over the management of a strategic office with 22 employees and the responsibility for the overall business and quality of work, a hundred percent of budget realization, profitability and successful business activity.  My work day is extremely dynamic and includes the application and supervision of all aspects of Retail business, cooperation with colleagues from other Bank departments and conversations with the most demanding clients.  Upon arrival, new employees I am introducing to the business usually first ask what is unique about it. My answer is: 

1. we work with clients

2. we work with their money

3. we handle a lot of information which must be faithfully presented

4. clients have to leave satisfied if we want them to return

The demands of clients and the business environment are getting more and more complex and, therefore, for successful business, continued professional training in general knowledge of banking operations, as well as in the accompanying soft skills and competencies is paramount.  After receiving my degree from the Faculty of Economy in Zagreb, I finished the three-year PBZ Business School and gained another degree in the field of General Management.I completed many programmes in the field of communication and salesmanship, coaching and motivation, and gained the authorisation from HANFA for representing in accordance with the Insurance Act. . I come to work by bicycle and I always leave with a smile.


Risk Management Department Director

I work as the Risk Management Department Director and I’m in charge of a team dealing with rules and processes of decision-making in relation to the Bank’s credit operations. Of course, with internal methodologies and rules of conduct, the focus of activities is the building of information systems that, on the one hand, contain the rules concerning fast and automated decision-making on the basis of internal statistical models, and on the other, also support decision-making in cases of great and more complex loan requests. I was employed by the Bank after receiving a degree from FER, an unusual choice among my student colleagues, but an education in engineering showed itself here as both useful and applicable. I began a structured internship in several of the Bank’s organizational parts and afterwards there was an 18 months period of education and work in the mother firm in Milan. Upon my return in Zagreb, I chose to pursue a career in Risk Management as it seemed interesting, challenging, new and technologically advanced. Every day is a new challenge for me, an opportunity to learn, solve problems and meet new people.I consider the environment in which I work to be the most important part of the job: from colleagues in possession of extraordinary qualities, who help each other and always are ready to accept a new challenge, to supervisors who are there in case something doesn’t go as planned and who encourage enthusiasm and proactivity. In short, with all the intricacies of the profession, at number one are the people around me who make this work worthy of effort.

Training and Development

Training and Development

PBZ Business School

We do not leave the improvement of basic business and managerial skills to chance. We have created and implemented one of the longest corporate development programmes in Croatia – the PBZ Business School. 
Over a thousand students already developed their core competencies in a structured environment and continue to realise their potential to their own and the Bank's benefit. We are proud of the recognisable corporate culture and business practices we have developed. Engagement, performance, loyalty and promotion are just some of the visible results achieved by the PBZ Business School. 
Still, the main advantages of attending the PBZ Business School are connecting with colleagues, expanding the social network, creating friendships, and sharing experiences. That really is our wealth without the price.

Training and Development

We monitor, support and empower our employees on their career paths. 
We provide training opportunities in specialist and managerial directions in accordance with employee's interests.
We are opening up new horizons through co-financing of further employee schooling. We believe that learning and development are an investment, not a cost. Because we know that learning is not achieved by merely listening to lectures, we design development activities using different tools, interactive channels and methods. Take advantage of the stimulating and supportive environment in which “the only constant is change”.

Students in PBZ

Students in PBZ

Scholarships from the STEM area

With its constant investments in technological development and quality personnel, Privredna Banka Zagreb shapes new standards in banking business.

It is the employees of PBZ who are the basis of successful business, who actively participate in the modern development of the bank and the creation of constant changes.

The Bank's vision is to be a role model and center of excellence in creating new values, thus putting its employees and scholarship recipients first.

If you are:

  • excellent student in the second or higher year of undergraduate / graduate regular studies
  • you are attracted to work in the banking sector,

you have a chance to:

  • make it easier for you to study financially
  • continue working in a collaborative, innovative and technologically advanced environment after studies.

Apply to Privredna banka Zagreb's competition for a scholarship in the STEM field, and if you are selected, you will be entitled to a monthly scholarship during your regular studies in the amount of KN 3,500 (EUR 464.53) net throughout the entire calendar year.

In addition, upon completion of your studies and on the offer of Privredna banka Zagreb, you will establish a working relationship with Privredna banka Zagreb.

Details of the competition and its conditions are available at the website http://student.pbz.hr/stipendije/ and https://karijera.pbz.hr/#stipendije.
Apply through link scholarships and send us all your additional questions at the e-mail: stipendija@pbz.hr.

Traineeship in PBZ

Apply the acquired knowledge from school and university in the real sector, in one of the leading banks in Croatia, by performing unpaid traineeship in PBZ.
What to expect:

  •     opportunity to gain first work experiences lasting up to four weeks (160 hours) in various organizational parts of the Bank, taking into account your preferences and interests and current organizational possibilities
  •     experienced, professional and highly qualified mentors
  •     pleasant and stimulating working environment
  •     acquiring new personal and business contacts

In the application we expect you to show us the following:

  •     you are a full-time pupil / student
  •     you have good grades
  •     at least one of your professors recommends you for this traineeship
  •     you are motivated to work in a particular organizational part of the Bank
  •     you are ready to commit yourself to work tasks which will be assigned to you during your traineeship.

When selecting candidates for traineeship, we give preference to pupils/students from the field of economics, especially finance and banking, and students from the STEM area.
Apply through link trainees and send us all your additional questions at the e-mail: praksa@pbz.hr

Experiences of our employees
Work and parenthood

Work and parenthood

Privredna banka Zagreb knows how important it is for employees to establish a balance between family and business life, which is why a corporate kindergarten was opened in the bank's office building in 2012. Aware of the fact that it is necessary to empower women on the labor market, Privredna banka Zagreb treats new employees with great sensitivity who were in a different state during the recruitment process. We are proud and happy to highlight our employees who have decided to exercise their right to parental leave and are therefore a positive example of fathers involved in child care. Below, meet our fellow mothers and fathers who, with the support of their employers, are successful in balancing family and business obligations.


Client relations manager

"Using parental leave is one of the best decisions I've made recently. I was finally able to fully devote myself to my child and make up for the lost time that I missed due to business/personal commitments. I bonded more strongly with the child and realized how much care for a one-year-old child actually requires effort and effort, given that previously the biggest burden was carried by the wife. I must mention that I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent with the child, so much so that I had the feeling that the time of parental leave, unfortunately, passed too quickly. I am proud that during that period the child took his first steps because we practiced and developed motor skills through play and only play every day, without forcing. My family members, as well as colleagues and superiors, fully supported me in my decision and 'warned' me that I would live one of the most beautiful periods of my life. Of course, they were absolutely right."


bank employee

"The moment I found out I was going to become a mother, I wondered how it would affect my workplace. I was not in a permanent employment relationship, which made me even more worried. However, I soon became convinced that my worry was unjustified. Although it is not a legal obligation, the superiors from PBZ provided me with security and offered me a contract for an indefinite period. Although such a practice should be common, unfortunately it is not yet and many women were not so lucky with their employers. This small step for PBZ is huge for me and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and support. It's nice to know you have an employer on your side, especially in special moments of life like motherhood."


former scholarship holder, and current employee on maternity leave

"The PBZ helped me with a scholarship from the third year of college to create the conditions for starting a family earlier. With a steady income and guaranteed employment after graduating from college, I felt a great relief and an incentive to achieve in terms of parenting. As I graduated college while already heavily pregnant, I was afraid of how the employment process would go. PBZ met me and tried to make the transition period as easy as possible. Now I am a PBZ employee on maternity leave. I am very grateful for the understanding shown and I look forward to starting work after returning from maternity leave."

Employer award Adria 2021

Best Employer Brand Awards Adria 2021

Privredna banka Zagreb is the proud winner of the Best Employer Brand Awards Adria in the category of Best Video Presentation.
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