This is why you’ll like it
The interest rate is fixed for the entire repayment period, and the amount of the interest rate depends on the repayment period. The interest rate with the lowest credit risk and with the loan amount up to 80% of the estimated value of the real estate is shown (for loan with mortgage). EKS and the total repayment amount are calculated based on the selected loan amount and repayment term, without intercalary interest and additional costs.
For more information, see General information available at or at the branch.
The calculation is informative and is not binding for the Bank.
Monthly annuityFixed IR monthly annuityHRK
- Loan amount - HRK
- Amount to repay - HRK
- Tenor - -
- Interest rate Fixed interest rate - %
- APRC - %
- Loan processing fee - HRK
The calculation was made for repayment in equal monthly annuities.
Special offer
A special benefit for loan users with the intention of purchasing up to 45 years of age - without the cost of a real estate appraisal.
Other benefits:
- more favorable conditions for approving standard non-purpose loans for clients who are beneficiaries of PBZ housing loan with a mortgage or are in the process of realizing PBZ housing loan with a mortgage: lower interest rate than the current interest rates for standard non-purpose loan.
Align your financial commitments
- Optional respite (deferral of payment) during maternity leave
- Up to 10% of loan amount is disbursed in cash for covering costs and cost reimbursement relating to borrowing
- Instalments enable you to repay your loan with less of an interest burden
- Possibility to contract a grace period ("skip") of the monthly annuity or installment during the loan repayment.
Loan users
Any physical person (residents) who meet the Bank’s conditions of borrowing
Loan purpose and amount
Purpose of the loan
- purchase
- purchase and adaptation
- new construction
- land purchase
- land purchase and new construction
- granting of home improvement loans
- completion
- expansion
- addition
- renovation
And in case that the loan applicant is not the owner of the real estate
Loan amount
- EUR 20,000 to 400,000 for loans for buying residential property, purchase with home improvement, new construction, expansion, addition, completion or renovation of a residential property as well as purchase of land with new construction or just land purchase with institution of a lien
- EUR 20,000 to 100,000 for home improvement (with a lien)
- EUR 5,000 to 40,000 for housing loans without a lien and with a down-payment for real estate purchase
- refinancing a Bank’s or another bank’s loan according to the purpose for which the original loan was taken out and in amounts depending on the loan purpose,
- fixed interest rate for the entire repayment period.
The loan amount also depends on the total commitment, and in addition to that, for loans insured with a lien, the amount depends on the appraised property value.
Credit period and manner of repayment
Repayment period
- 5 to 30 years for loans with an institution of a lien
- 5 to 15 years (min 61 months) for loans without a lien and with a down-payment (for adaptation up to 10 years)
Manner of repayment
The choice to repay the loan in equal monthly annuities or in installments.
Additional benefit
When contracting a loan, the borrower may agree on a grace period ("skip") of the monthly annuity/installment during the loan repayment period, free of charge. The request for activation of the "skip" can be submitted once a year with a written request, provided that the conditions are met.
Instalments or annuities?
Installments enable you to repay your loan faster and with less interest expense.
Other loan benefits
- optional refinancing of already taken out housing loans at PBZ or other banks
- up to 10% of the loan amount is disbursed in cash for covering costs and cost reimbursement relating to borrowing