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Standard savings

General purpose term savings.

This is why you’ll like it

Great terms

Contracting with a one-time payment of funds and a fixed interest rate

Choose the currency

Choose savings in currency EUR or USD

Interest payment

Interest payments according to personal choice among different options

Manage your savings anytime and anywhere!
 Manage your savings anytime and anywhere!
Manage your savings anytime and anywhere!
With digital banking, you can easily manage your finances from home or wherever you are
Set free notifications for the expiry of the fixed-term period
You can see the details of your deposits at any time
Track your finances using real-time transaction notifications

Stable savings

Do you have a certain amount that you would like to put aside?

At your nearest PBZ branch office contract Standard savings with a fixed-interest rate.



  • the minimum savings amount is EUR 50,00 or USD 500,00 
  • 6 and 12 months and from 19 to 84 months or 1 to 36 months fixed-terms, depending on the currency
  • interest payments on a monthly, quarterly, six-monthly, annual basis, or upon expiry of the term
  • fee for early termination: it is charged in the initial period of the term and amounts to 0.50% of the contracted amount of the term and if one month has passed from the contracting of savings to the day of early termination.
General notes related to interest rates on term savings

All displayed interest rates are expressed on an annual basis. The amount of the interest rate on time deposits is determined and contracted by an individual agreement on a time deposit as a fixed, annual, nominal interest rate.

Interest is calculated using the decursive method, with the application of a conforming interest rate. All details related to the manner, method and rules of interest calculation in Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. are described in detail in the General Terms and Conditions for Business with Natural Persons - Citizens.

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