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Current account for young people aged 18-25

Contract a PBZ Young current account and Digital banking, it's free for all from 18 - 25 years old!

Take advantage of the benefits

Free account

Free opening and management of the account for young people 18-25

Different payment methods

Pay contactless using a Visa Inspire card and shop safely online

Wide ATM network

Easy cash withdrawal whenever needed

Manage your money easily, on the go!
Manage your money easily
Manage your money easily, on the go!
Use PBZ Digital Banking to control your money 24/7.
Review your account details and check your transaction history.
Transfer money faster and more easily wherever you are and whenever you want.
Activate smart notifications to get information about payments to your account.


The benefits of the PBZ current account in EUR for young people:

  • it’s free
  • your money is available at any time via the PBZ ATM network or PBZ digital banking
  • withdrawing cash at PBZ ATMs and other Intesa Sanpaolo Group members’ ATMs without a fee 
  • pay secure and fast using your Visa Inspire card 
  • contactless payment of up to EUR 40

The right choice for your finances

Take the first step into your financial independence with a free PBZ checking account for young.

Only for young people aged 18 to 25 - free of charge.

To get a Visa Inspire debit card for a current PBZ youth account, come to the nearest PBZ branch, present your ID card and open an account.

In order to always have your bank at hand, with the current account for young people, contract the most modern digital banking for free.

The Visa Inspire Card
The Visa Inspire Card
  • Contactless payment without a PIN up to 40 EUR
  • You can use it in Croatia and abroad
  • Secure Internet shopping
Find out more
Thinking of studying?

Everything for students in one package!

Contracts Index plus student package until June 30, 2025 for 0 euros and use it for free until the age of 27.
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