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e-Kasica in EUR

Save a small amount every day.

This is why you’ll like it

Ease of use

Save whenever you are making day-to-day transactions


Choose how, how much and when to save


Automated depositing with optional additional in-payments


For all existing e-Kasica savings that have the contracted option of rounding up to a higher ten, after 1/1/2023  previously selected option can be deactivated by choosing some other configuration of subsequent payments, eg rounding up to a higher unit, choosing a fixed amount or a percentage of the amount of the payment transaction.

Options can  be changed in the nearest PBZ branch.

Manage your savings anytime and anywhere!
Manage your savings anytime and anywhere!
Manage your savings anytime and anywhere!
Track your finances using real-time transaction notifications
You can see the details of your deposits at any time
Set free notifications for the expiry of the fixed-term period
Contract products and services online using #withSIGN

Spend and save!

Save by adding together small amounts whenever you:

  • withdraw or deposit cash at PBZ ATMs
  • pay using your Visa Inspire or Visa debit card at a POS terminal
  • deposit coins at PBZ coin counters
  • deposit Inovacija programme discounts


  • minimum initial savings amount of EUR 1,32 with 6 to 84 month terms
  • interest payment upon expiry of the agreed fixed-term period
  • no fees for premature cancellation
Flexible savings

Flexible savings

Choose how automated depositing is performed throughout the entire savings period.

You can save by simply choosing:

  • a fixed amount to be put aside whenever you deposit or withdraw money at ATMs or pay at a POS terminal using your Visa Inspire card of current account in EUR or Visa debit card of current account in EUR and foreign currency (e.g. EUR 1)
  • a percentage of the transaction amount when paying at a POS terminal, depositing or withdrawing cast at PBZ ATMs, or when depositing coins at PBZ coin counters (e.g. 5%)
  • the difference between the amount of the completed transaction when paying on the POS device and the first following amount rounded to the first higher whole number (e.g. the transaction amount is EUR 56,40 the first amount rounded to the higher whole number is EUR 57,00 the difference of EUR 0,60  is paid into e-Kasica)

Alongside the automated transfer of small amounts into the savings account, you can deposit money into your savings account according to your wishes and capabilities.

Contract e-Kasica
Step 1
Contract savings using PBZ digital banking or at nearest PBZ branch
Step 2
Deposit the initial savings amount while observing the minimum amount
Step 3
Select the fixed-term period
Step 4
Choose one of the automated depositing methods
General notes related to interest rates on term savings

All displayed interest rates are expressed on an annual basis. The amount of the interest rate on time deposits is determined and contracted by an individual agreement on a time deposit as a fixed, annual, nominal interest rate.

Interest is calculated using the decursive method, with the application of a conforming interest rate. All details related to the manner, method and rules of interest calculation in Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. are described in detail in the General Terms and Conditions for Business with Natural Persons - Citizens.

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