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Internet Banking Application: all the questions

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What is User number?

What is User number?

The User number is assigned/delivered when contracting the PBZ Digital Banking service at the PBZ branch and enables login to the Internetbanking with the #withKEY mobile token.

Find the User number:

  • on the home screen of the Internet banking by selecting the Personal Data icon (Profile-My Personal Data)
  • within #withKEY mobile token.
What is #withKEY?

What is #withKEY?

The #withKEY mobile token is part of the PBZ Digital Banking mobile app, which allows you to:

  • to access PBZ Internet banking app,
  • authorize internet banking transactions,
  • shop safely online,
  • access the e-Građani portal.

Find the #withKEY mobile token on the mobile app login screen and enter your PIN or biometrics to create a secure one-time password.

What is #withSIGN?

What is #withSIGN?

You can fully contract products online with a qualified electronic signature.

#withSIGN is a qualified electronic signature with the same legal effect as a handwritten signature. It is protected with a certificate password, which makes it completely secure, and it can be used for signing Internet contracts for banking products and services such as fast loans or #withSAVE daily savings.

The advantages of the #withSIGN digital signature:

  • the simpler contracting of new products and services without having to go to the bank
  • the contracting process is fully digital, you can read the legal documents when you have the time and sign them with a secure password-protected digital signature
  • it is paperless


Activate #withSIGN in the menu Settings - Sign-in&Security - #withSIGN. In the same menu, you can change the password for your digital signature (you need to know the existing password to change it), and if you have forgotten it, follow the steps to reissue the certificate.

Mobile app update

Mobile app update

In order to continue using PBZ mobile banking app after upgrading the service, it is necessary to download the new version of the app from the app stores: App StoreGoogle Play Store or Huawei AppGallery.

Do not delete the mobile banking app during the update!

Check the availability of the new app version:

  • type PBZ mobile banking
  • select Update

In the event that the new version of the mobile app is not visible in the list of applications to be updated, enter PBZ mobile banking in the store and check availability directly by clicking on the application icon.

Mobile app PIN and biometric scanning

Mobile app PIN and biometric scanning

You can log into the Online banking [PBZ Digital Banking] mobile app and authorize transactions using:

  • PIN
  • biometric scan (fingerprint or face scan)


It is important to know the PIN of your mobile app!

  • Even when using biometric methods (fingerprint or face scan) to login/authorize transactions.
  • login with PIN will sometimes be required after upgrading and updating the mobile app.


You initially set the PIN during the first activation of the Online banking [PBZ Digital Banking] mobile app, and it can be changed at any time in the Settings - Sign-in & Security (to change the PIN, you need to know the currently valid PIN of the mobile app).

In case you have forgotten the PIN of the mobile app, you need new registration codes, which you can request at the nearest PBZ branch.

Useful tips!

How to create a secure and memorable PIN?

1. do not repeat digits (e.g. 111122) and do not use number sequences (e.g. 123456 or 654321)

2. choose numbers that mean something to you

  • eg jersey numbers of your favorite players, your lucky numbers
  • avoid using numbers like your date of birth or people close to you that others can easily reach or you have posted on social media

NEVER share your PIN with others and do not write it down anywhere! Find more information about the protection of your personal data at the link.


Prijavu u mobilnu aplikaciju i autorizaciju transakcija možete provoditi i biometrijskim metodama*:

  • otisak prsta, ili
  • skeniranje lica

*biometrijska metoda ovisi o vrsti mobilnog uređaja na kojem je instalirana aplikacija PBZ mobilno bankarstvo.

Ako mobilni uređaj na kojem je instalirana mobilna aplikacija podržava biometrijsko skeniranje, a isto možete podesiti u izborniku  Postavke - Prijava i sigurnost - Biometrijsko skeniranje.

Bez obzira koristite li biometrijsko skeniranje važno je znati i PIN svojeg mobilnog bankarstva!


Activation of the mobile app
Download the app
depending on the device on:
App Store,
Google Play Store
Huawei AppGallery.
Enter the codes
I part of code: scan or enter manually
II part of code: it comes via SMS to the phone number registered as your contact data
Set a PIN
for using the mobile app, #withKEY mobile token and authorizing transactions through Internet banking.
Recovery code
set it on your own.

For the activation of the mobile app.
Step 1
Log into the Internet banking with #withKEY, PBZmToken or card reader.
Select the menu Settings.
Step 2
Within the screen with the offered options for managing the service, select "Devices" - "Mobile banking app"
Step 3
Request the issuance of new activation codes by selecting the option "Redistribute".
Step 4
Follow the steps for the activation of the mobile app.


With the aim of additional security and protection, the issuing of codes for the activation of the PBZ mobile banking app via PBZ internet banking has been temporarily disabled. New codes for activation of the app can be requested at any PBZ branch.

More information on how to protect yourself on the Internet can be found at the link

Issuance of new activation codes

Issuance of new activation codes

You can request new codes for the reactivation of the mobile app at the nearest PBZ branch.
Login to Internet banking with mobile token #withKEY
Step 1
Access Internet banking by selecting "Login" in the upper right corner of the website.
Step 2
In the "User number" field, enter your User number visible on the #withKEY mobile token screen.
Step 3
Enter the generated one-time #withKEY code in the "One-time password" field.
Smart login
Speed up logging into Internet banking without typing a User Number by authorizing the notification received on your mobile device.
Do you want to log into Internet banking with another device? You can also log in using authentication devices::

Card reader

  • in the Username field, enter the bank card number without spaces
  • enter the card's PIN into the reader and a one-time password will be displayed on the screen
  • type the password without spaces in the One-Time Password field


  • in the Username field, enter the serial number of the PBZmToken
  • in the One-Time Password field, enter the one-time password generated by PBZmToken
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