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Customer Complaints

Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. firmly believes that the quality of customer relations and the trust you place in us are fundamental values that we should constantly and devotedly protect.

In order to put our words into action, we put our clients first and are dedicated to a continuous dialogue with clients, where it is extremely important for us to listen to all suggestions and give you answers to your questions because we are extremely aware that this way we can constantly improve the quality of our services and to develop a long-term relationship based on trust together.

The bank attaches great importance to the management of client complaints, as a reference source of information in order to ensure transparency, excellence and competitiveness of operations, through continuous improvement of the portfolio of products and services and relations with our clients in all business segments.

If you have a disputed situation with Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. i.e. you believe that the Bank does not comply with the terms of the contract on the provision of certain banking and/or financial services, the associated general conditions or legal provisions governing individual services or provisions governing consumer protection, we suggest that you try to resolve the disputed situation in a direct oral address (conversation) with Bank employees. In most cases, a disputed situation in the initial phase can be resolved quickly and easily to mutual satisfaction.

However, if you do not want to address the employees of the Bank verbally, or if you were unable to resolve the disputed situation in an oral address (conversation) with the employees of the Bank, you can address the Bank with a written complaint. 

Complaint management policy of Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. defines the general principles and rules and the model for managing complaints from clients (consumers and non-consumers) in accordance with legal regulations, ethical business principles, the highest standards and best practices, which we present to you in the most important parts, relevant to the Bank's clients, remaining open to any additional information.

In the process of managing client complaints, the Bank uses an approach based on the principles of transparency and fairness, with the aim of permanently resolving disputes within the deadlines in accordance with legal regulations. The method of managing complaints involves checking the facts reported by clients as well as the behavior of employees who participated in the provision of the service, and the resulting assessment and decisions are based on internal and external legislation, contractual provisions and standards specified in the Code of Ethics. The management of complaints to the supervisory body contributes to and implies a dialogue between the Bank and regulatory and supervisory bodies through a transparent and productive analysis of the circumstances and facts stated by the client and their assessment in the light of applicable regulations. In disputes with clients, the Bank uses a system of alternative dispute resolution, while recognizing the importance of contributing to strengthening trust in the banking system and encouraging compliance with standards and regulations, as well as the exchange of best practices while raising awareness among clients about such practices.

Notice for consumers on submitting a written complaint

If the consumer deems that the Bank has failed to comply with the conditions under the contract on providing specific banking and/or financial services, the corresponding general terms or the legal provisions regulating a specific service or provision regulating consumer protection, they have the right to submit a written complaint to the Bank.

The consumer can file a written complaint as follows:

  • directly in all the branch offices/sub-offices of Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.
  • by mail at:

           Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.,

           Praćenje zadovoljstva klijenata i upravljanje prigovorima (Customer Satisfaction Office)

           Radnička cesta 44, HR-10000 Zagreb


It is desirable to provide information in the written complaint that is useful for an adequate resolution of the written complaint:

  • personal data of the client, date, name of the organizational part of the Bank to which the written complaint is addressed, a detailed description of the disputed situation/event/circumstances that caused dissatisfaction and are the subject of the written complaint, a copy of the documents confirming the statements from the written complaint if you have them, delivery address answers, ...
  • if it is about submitting a complaint regarding payment (card) transactions, it is advisable to also fill out the attached form "REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION OF PAYMENT TRANSACTION/S / DISPUTE" in order to carry out the complaint procedure.


If the complaint relates to the processing of personal data in the Bank, you can send a written complaint to the address of the Bank's headquarters (PBZ d.d., Personal Data Protection Officer, Radnička cesta 50, Zagreb), fax number 01/ 636 00 63 or e-mail: sluzbenik.za.zastitu.osobnih.podataka@pbz.hr


The procedure for solving a written complaint

After receiving your written complaint, the Bank will confirm receipt of the written complaint. In the event that the received written complaint does not have all the necessary information for its resolution, the Bank will request a supplement with the necessary information.
Complaint resolution begins with a preliminary check of the facts/allegations/documentation provided by the complainant and the behavior of the employee whose behavior the complaint refers to, with the involvement of all competent organizational parts of the Bank in the process of initial analysis, collection of all necessary information and documents, and final assessment, compilation proposals for answers and responses in writing as soon as possible and without unnecessary delay.

  • In accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection, the Bank will respond to a written complaint no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, that is, if a specific legal regulation defines a different deadline for the delivery of a written response for a particular service. If the (final) written answer cannot be delivered within the expected period, we will inform you in writing about the reasons for the delay and indicate when it can be roughly expected.
  • In response to a written complaint relating to the provision of payment services as well as the issuance/redemption of electronic money in accordance with the Payment Transactions Act, the Bank is obliged to provide the User with a final answer to all objections in the written complaint no later than within 10 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, on on paper or on another permanent data carrier if so agreed between the User and the Bank. Exceptionally, if the Bank cannot provide an answer within the specified period for reasons beyond the Bank's control (more complex objections, participation of a third party - another bank, point of sale, etc.), it is obliged to deliver to the User within that period a temporary answer stating the reasons delay in responding to the complaint and the deadline by which the User will receive a final response, which must not be longer than 35 days from the day of receipt of the complaint.
  • If the User of payment services believes that the Bank does not comply with Regulation (EC) no. 924/2009, Regulation (EU) no. 260/2012. or Regulation (EU) 2015/751, can send a complaint to the Bank in writing in person at the Bank's branches or by mail to the address of the Bank's headquarters, to which the Bank is obliged to respond within 10 days from the day of receipt of the complaint, on paper or, if so agreed between the Bank and the User, on another permanent data carrier. Exceptionally, if the Bank is unable to provide an answer within the specified period due to reasons beyond the Bank's control, it is obliged to deliver to the User within that period a temporary response stating the reasons for the delay in responding to the complaint and the deadline by which the User will receive a final response, which must not be longer than 35 days from the day of receiving the complaint.


The Bank's written response is sent by e-mail to a registered/verified e-mail address or by letter to a registered/verified home address.

Submission of complaints and associated communication with the competent business function Monitoring client satisfaction and management of complaints is free of charge.


If you are not satisfied with the Bank's answer, what should you do?

In case you are not satisfied with the Bank's written response, you can contact us again:

  • at the address:


           Customer satisfaction monitoring and complaint management

           Radnička cesta 44

           10000 Zagreb

Notice on complaint procedures, alternative solution for consumer disputes and competent authorities

If the consumer is unsatisfied with the Bank's response or solution to his written complaint, he can submit a proposal for conciliation or initiate an alternative resolution of domestic and cross-border consumer disputes in accordance with special regulations governing conciliation or alternative resolution of consumer disputes.

If the complaint is related to payment services, the consumer can initiate a procedure for alternative resolution of domestic and cross-border consumer disputes.

The proposal for an alternative solution of a consumer dispute can be submitted by the consumer to the Mediation Centre of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce 10 000 Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 2, email: mirenje@hgk.hr (http://www.hgk.hr/centar-za-mirenje/o-centru-za-mirenje) or another authority responsible for solving consumer disputes connected to financial services, based on the information available at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.adr.show.

In disputes that occur with the Bank as the provider of payment services, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/751 and/or the Act on the implementation of regulations of the European Union in the payment system area (OG no. 50/16, 16/20), the consumer can instigate a mediation procedure before the Mediation Centre of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce or other independent mediation authorities.

If the consumer instigates the proceedings for an alternative solution of a consumer dispute, the Bank will participate in it.

If the consumer is not satisfied with the Bank's answer or solution to his written complaint, he can inform the Croatian National Bank about it.

If the user has an objection to the provision of the payment service, i.e. the user believes that the Bank has acted contrary to the provisions of the framework agreement or that it has not fulfilled its legal obligations, he can submit a complaint to the Croatian National Bank.

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