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Donation to CHC Sestre milosrdnice

PBZ Group donated a modern ultrasound device for better treatment of small patients to CHC Sestre milosrdnice

Zagreb, December 21, 2021 – With the donation, which PBZ Group realized as a part of its humanitarian project "Doing Good Deeds Every Day", PBZ Group, Intesa Sanpaolo Group member, has enabled the purchase of a modern ultrasound colour Doppler device with two probes for the Paediatric Clinic of the CHC Sestre milosrdnice in Zagreb. The new device with a total value of HRK 449,650.00 shall enable better diagnostics and treatment of the children exposed to neurological risks and generally improve the health care of young patients at the CHC Sestre milosrdnice. 
"The donated device is extremely important to us. In the daily work of the neuropaediatric team of the Paediatric Clinic, it provides us with the possibility of early diagnostic intervention and inclusion of endangered children in the earliest possible rehabilitation. It is precisely the early intervention that is the fundamental assumption of a favourable outcome in the treatment of the children exposed to neurological risks. Also, in addition to the emergency care of acutely neurologically endangered children, the diagnostics provided by this ultrasound device have a positive effect on the cognitive and motor development of children of any age.  Procurement of devices for brain ultrasound and transcranial colour Doppler of blood vessels provides the opportunity to implement superior health care for children with neurological impairments and it shall greatly contribute to the quality of treatment of the most vulnerable group of our population, sick children,” said Orjena Žaja, PhD, MD, Head of the Clinic for Paediatrics of the CHC Sestre milosrdnice.  
The donation to the Sestre milosrdnice Clinical Hospital Centre is a part of the PBZ Group's socially responsible business project "Doing Good Deeds Every Day", through which the Group has been continuously helping projects for the benefit of children and youth since 2008.  
"I am glad that through our project "Doing Good Deeds Every Day” we have helped the CHC Sestre milosrdnice and I hope that this donation shall help the staff of the Paediatric Clinic in treating their little patients. This is the 59th donation for the benefit of children and young people, which we realized through our humanitarian project. So far, we have raised HRK 26 million for the "Doing Good Deeds Every Day" project, and this year alone we have allocated HRK 6 million for donations to hospitals and orphanages. Thanks to the numerous donations we have made as a part of this project, we have equipped paediatric wards and children's hospitals and children's homes with various devices, helping children who are our future and who need special care."  
"The CHC Sestre milosrdnice thanks the PBZ Group for this very valuable donation that shall help us in the quality diagnosis and treatment of our young patients," said prof. Davor Vagić, PhD, MD, Head of the CHC Sestre Milosrdnice.  
Through the project „Doing Good Deeds Every Day“ PBZ Group, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group member, helps national projects for the benefit of children and youth: "Monitoring of Children Exposed to Neurorisks" of the Ministry of Health and "For a Better Life of Children in Social Care Homes" of the Ministry of Labour, Pension Fund, Family and Social Policy and responds to the needs of the Company, by allocating one HRK for each transaction made with a Visa Heart Card, at no additional cost to cardholders. The group has so far set aside HRK 26 million and made a total of 59 donations, including children's hospitals and paediatric wards and social care homes throughout Croatia. More information on the project's achievements can be found at www.cinimdobro.hr

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