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PBZ Group's Donation to the Klasje Community

Thanks to the PBZ group’s donation, the playroom for children of the Osijek Centre for the provision of services in the Klasje community has been renovated and equipped

Osijek/Zagreb, Marh 28, 2024 – The community service centre Klasje from Osijek received a donation in the amount of € 25,745.99 with which it renovated and equipped the playroom. This is the 82nd donation granted by PBZ group, a member of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, within its humanitarian project „Doing Good Every Day“ and Visa Card with a Heart, through which it supports projects for the benefit of children and young people. In order to ensure a better future and achieve positive changes in our community, as part of this project alone, the Group has donated € 4.5 million and granted numerous donations to the paediatric departments and children's homes throughout Croatia. The donation was presented on behalf of the PBZ Group by Ante Brnić, director of the Mass segment, Retail Banking, Privredna banka Zagreb. 

"I am happy that with the funds we donated for our project "Doing Good Every Day" we renovated and equipped the playroom for the little ones of the Osijek Centre for the provision of services in the Klasje community. I hope the new playroom will brighten up their free time and play. Our project "Doing Good Every Day" is of national character, through it we help children and young people all over Croatia, we equip paediatric departments, children's hospitals and social care homes all over our country. It also has a very important local component, since we contribute to the local community with it. That is why I am glad that we are in Osijek today and that through this project we can do something good for the betterment of the children of this region", said director of the Mass segment, Retail Banking, Privredna banka Zagreb.

The Centre for providing services in the community Klasje is an institution that has been operating continuously for 154 years, providing various services to children without adequate parental care. About eighty beneficiaries are currently staying at the Centre, including children from the youngest age up to 21 years of age. The Klasje Centre cares for around 180 beneficiaries from the entire Osijek-Baranja County. 

„I want to thank the PBZ Group for this extremely valuable donation, as a part of which we have renovated our courtyard building and turned it into a playroom for our youngest beneficiaries. We also turned the second part of the building into a training room, which gave us space for the professional training of our employees. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the PBZ group on the continuity of care for children and youth throughout Croatia. I hope that the project will continue successfully and I wish them good luck and success in their future work“, said Vedran Škugor, Head of the Centre for the provision of services in the Klasje community.    
Donation to the Centre for the provision of services in the Klasje community is a part of the socially responsible business project of PBZ Group, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group member, which the Group has been implementing for fifteen years under the name "Doing Good Every Day". With the funds allocated for this project, the PBZ Group supports national, long-term projects for the benefit of children and young people: "For a better life of children in social care homes" of the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy and the projects "With a heart for children with malignant diseases" and “Let's help those suffering from rare diseases" of the Ministry of Health, setting aside ten cents for each transaction made with a Visa card with a heart, at no additional cost to card users. The Group has, so far, raised more than HRK 4.5 million and, including the latest one, has granted a total of 82 donations, including hospitals and social care homes throughout Croatia. More information on the project's achievements can be found at www.cinimdobro.hr.

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