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Art of Saving

Zagreb, March 25, 2019 - Intesa Sanpaolo’s The Art of Saving initiative, which was created at the Museum of Saving in Turin (Museo del Risparmio), has been held in all international bank subsidiaries of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, including Privredna banka Zagreb (PBZ), from October 2017. In order to introduce strategic volunteering for the purpose of holding financial education, numerous activities have been held with the aim of including as much young people and adults as possible and providing them with financial education. 

PBZ formed a team of 50 employees - EduVolunteers (EduVolonteri) - who have held 177 workshops for children in elementary and secondary schools, in 43 schools and 20 cities in all of Croatia, within this initiative. 

As part of this year's celebration of the World and European Money Week (25 - 29 March 2019), as well as during the entire March, 17 PBZ EduVolunteers will continue to hold workshops in schools. After the initiation of the elementary school workshops called Children and Savings and It's up to you, PBZ has also held secondary school education in the form of workshops called Financial Adviser, and starting this year, a new education will be held on the topic of “Cyber Security. The topic is intended for upper classes in elementary schools as well as all classes in secondary schools. Financial education will be implemented in schools in Osijek, Spilt and Zagreb through 30 workshops that will be held by PBZ volunteers. 

In cooperation with the Croatian Chamber of Economy (HGK), the Bank will, as part of the “The More We Know, the Better we Understand” (Više znamo, bolje razumijemo) project, participate in the education of secondary school students and teachers. The main topics of the education are connected to the basic concepts and principles of bank business, savings and insurance deposits, payment cards, Internet payment, mobile banking and personal finance management. 

In addition, the initiative under the title “A Museum in a School, a School in a Museum” includes organised school visits to PBZ's Museum in Zagreb during the European Money Week, devoted to the history of money and saving, and organisation of school visits to PBZ’s branch offices.

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