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Value map

Learn more about the characteristics of financial instruments before making an investment decision.

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Define the investment goal

Define the desired return, acceptable risk and investment time


Focus on fully exploiting market opportunities.

Financial instruments

Get to know the features of financial instruments

From money markets to equities

When deciding how to invest your assets, you can choose between different types of financial instruments:

  • money market instruments,
  • bonds, and
  •  equities.

In doing so, it is important to define the investment goal in terms of risk/return and investment time period (short-term or long-term), given that each of the financial instruments has specific characteristics of risk and potential return.

Value map - selection of financial instruments

In order to take full advantage of market opportunities, it is important to define an investment strategy in accordance with the time horizon (the moment in which you will need the money), expected return and risk appetite.

Play the video and learn more.


Good information helps in making investment decisions.

To bring you closer and simplify the world of investing, visit the new section Educational on investments and improve your knowledge of basic investment terms.

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