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Donations to the Centres in Selce and Kraljevica

PBZ group handed over its donations to the Centres in Selce and Kraljevica for a better tomorrow of the children growing up with us

Selce/Kraljevica, June 20, 2023 – PBZ Group, part of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, continues to intensively implement its activities to help children and young people throughout Croatia and has handed over two new donations as part of its project „Doing Good Every Day“ and Visa Card with a Heart. Thus, the Centre for the provision of services in Izvor Community received the donation amounting to € 42,620.39 for the reconstruction, arrangement and furnishing of an apartment for organized housing of its beneficiaries with occasional support, while the Rehabilitation Centre „Fortica“ from Kraljevica received the donation amounting to € 29,963.56 for the purchase of medical beds, dishwasher and washing machine and dryer. The donations were presented on behalf of the PBZ Group by Nataša Vukić, director of the Retail Banking Group of Privredna banka Zagreb, and Mladenka Dubravac, Chief Public Relations Coordinator of PBZ Card. 

"The PBZ Group's donation has enabled us to completely reconstruct, arrange and equip the apartment, which will be intended for young people for organized housing with occasional support and as such will bring us a great benefit in improving the quality of life of young people before leaving alternative care. On behalf of the children, the staff of the Centre Izvor and myself, I want to thank you for this donation“, said Nikica Sečen, director of the Centre for the provision of services in Izvor Community. 

The centre for providing services in the Izvor community, Selce, emerged from the former Children's Home in Selce, which was founded in 1918. Today, the institution provides exclusively non-institutional services (stay for children, organized housing with comprehensive and occasional support, support for foster families, counselling and assistance and psychosocial support and help at home) and currently cares for about 160 beneficiaries. 

"I would like to thank the PBZ group on behalf of the beneficiaries and employees of the "Fortica" Centre, as well as on my own behalf, for this valuable donation that means a lot to us. By purchasing ten medical beds for our beneficiaries, a dishwasher and a washing machine and dryer, we have improved the conditions of accommodation and care for our users, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support“, said Elizabeta Batinić, Director of the Rehabilitation Centre „Fortica“.  

The Rehabilitation Centre "Fortica", Kraljevica is a public institution – a social care home that cares for children with developmental disabilities and adults with disabilities. The founder of the Centre is Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. Currently, 46 beneficiaries with multiple impairments are accommodated in the "Fortica" Center.

This year, the PBZ group celebrates fifteen years of its project "Doing Good Every Day" and Visa card with a Heart, through which it has so far donated more than EUR 4,3 mln. and made 72 donations to hospitals and centres for children and youth throughout Croatia. Through this project, PBZ Group supports national, long-term projects for the benefit of children and young people and other people in need: "For a better life of children in social care homes" of the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy and the projects "With a heart for children with malignant diseases" and “Let's help those suffering from rare diseases" of the Ministry of Health, setting aside ten cents for each transaction made with a Visa card with a heart, at no additional cost to cardholders. More information on the project's achievements can be found at www.cinimdobro.hr.

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